You made the selling process easier. You told us what to expect and how to deal with our fears. You told us which repair projects to do and how to make sure buyers saw the property at its best. You were always available and helpful.
Mary C.
We did not know what we were doing and you kept explaining how the system worked. You knew what lenders to call, you suggested good home inspectors, you kept us going until we become home owners. Thank you.
Clara S.
You kept doing what needed to be done. You dealt with the appraisers and the inspectors and made sure all the schedules worked for us and for the buyers. You always seemed to know what needed to be done. Our neighbors asked why our house sold and [...]
George S.
We kept getting frustrated; you kept reminding us to be patient. We always knew when we called you we would get a suggestion about where to look next, what other things we might consider. Thanks to you we found the house we wanted.
Carol Z.
We did not know where to start in our search for our house. You kept reminding us that we did not have to have all the answers today. You knew which lenders to call, you led us through the home inspection process. You took the time to explain [...]
John C.
Thank you. We never would have found this place on our own. You listened to what we were looking for and you found it for us. It is not where we thought it would be, but its perfect. Thank you.
Charles and Evelyn W.